City Candidate Forums

The increased wildfires across our state are one of many real-world observations of climate change we are witnessing that are negatively impacting our natural resources, industry, infrastructure, human health, safety and quality of life. 

Silicon Valley Youth Climate Action (SVYCA) is hosting a series of local candidate forums focused on legislative solutions to global warming and effective policy making to combat our climate crisis. 


Cities & Dates



October 4th @5-7pm, Mayoral: Larry Klein, Nancy Smith, Michael Goldman | District 2: Alysa Cisneros, Josh Grossman | District 6: Leia Mehlman, Omar Din

Santa Clara

October 9th @5-5:45pm, District 4: Kevin Park and Teresa O'Neill


October 10th @4pm-5:30 pm, Speakers: Steven Scharf, Hung Wei, Kitty Moore, and Joseph Fruen

San Jose

October 11th @2:00 PM - 2:45 PM, District 4: David Cohen and Lan Diep

Morgan Hill

October 11th @5:00-6:15 pm, District A and District C

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Co-hosts and Supporters

Climate Reality Project, Acterra, De Anza College VIDA, South Bay Progressive Alliance, Fossil Fuel Free Building Coalition, Mothers Out Front, and local school related groups
