

Team Mentors

Gary Latshaw

Dashiell Leeds

Rod Sinks

Tara Sreekrishnan

Student Leaders

Erinn Huang

Xinpei Lu

Sarah Liu

Elise Chiu

Clarabella Want


The Cupertino Youth Climate Action Team has worked hard to successfully advocate the Cupertino City Council to add four proactive environmental solutions to their 2019 Council Work Program. Thanks to their efforts, Cupertino Council passed aggressive building electrification “reach codes” and a natural gas ban. The Council has also studied a single-use plastic ban and a stock and bond divestment from fossil fuel companies.

The Cupertino Youth Climate Action Team received the Cupertino CREST Award for “Sustainability Champion” in 2021. They also received a certificate from Congressman Ro Khanna.


City council Public comments

Begin video at 53:39

Begin video at 1:02:44