San Jose
Team Mentors
Esther Duong
Dashiell Leeds
Helen Deng
Hoi Poon
Student Leaders
Daphne Zhu
Mani Bekele
Simran Karkhanis
Diya Prasanth

2024 impact
Multifamily EV Charging Reach Code
Aided in successful advocacy efforts to pass a City Reach Code requiring EV charging access in most new apartment buildings
This protects residents from heavy markups on commercial charging stations & facilitates EV adoption
CISC Leadership Symposium
3 San Jose Team Members spoke at a youth panel on climate literacy at a state conference with an audience of ~1,200 CA educators and school administrators. (Feb 22, 2024)
SJCE Anniversary Event
Joined San Jose Clean Energy’s 5-year anniversary celebration, 300+ attendees
Gave a short speech about the importance of climate action
Received award from SJCE
Climate Smart Budget Advocacy
7 team members gave public comments in person at SJ City Hall
Our coalition’s advocacy resulted in reduced funding cuts to San José’s Climate Smart program.
Library Workshops
We reached 30+ students with our climate literacy curriculum!
Hosted an online high school workshop in collaboration with the Saratoga Library Teen Advisory Board
Held an in-person K-8 interactive workshop at Alum Rock Library
Published Op-eds and Letters to the Editor in local newspaper on climate policy priorities.
Simran Karkhanis's June, 2024 LTE on Climate Smart Funding
Daphne Zhu's January 2024 LTE on Multifamily EV Charging Reach Code
Mila Bekele's January 2024 San Jose Spotlight article on Multifamily EV Charging Reach Code
November 2024 election City Council candidate questionnaire is up on SVYCA's website
Write-in City Council Candidate Forum
Previous — 2023 Impact
San Jose City Council Carbon Neutrality Plan effectively brought deadline to be carbon neutral to 2030
Organized members to work with elected officials and city staff as well as to give public comment at City Council and other public meetings to:
Support city staff recommending to City Council a Multifamily Housing EV Charging Reach Code to require access to basic EV charging for all newly constructed apartment units in the city
Sunset the Distributed Energy Resources (DER) exemption to San Jose’s natural gas ban at multiple past City Council meetings, and continuing into the future
Support the creation of the municipal utility SJ Power
Help maintain funding for Viva Calle and Viva Parks, programs which are particularly important in leading the city toward a less car-dependent future
Successfully blocked two proposals to cut critical funding to the Climate Smart San Jose program
Urged Mayor Mahan to include climate and sustainability in his priority list of city policy areas
Delivered interactive presentations to almost 200 elementary and middle school students on the basic science of climate change and empowered them toward individual action, civic engagement, and advocacy into their future.
What we’re working on:
Climate Town Hall in collaboration with SJ City Councilmember(s) and other local partners
Education/outreach video on Climate Smart progress
Policy campaign for full Climate Smart funding, including petition, coalition-building, and concerted discussion with Council Members and Mayor
Work with Santa Clara County Office of Education to implement new high school climate curriculum
Long term projects:
Sustainable Public Transit Options
VTA (Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority) used to have a much better bus network and much better ridership in the early 2000s when they invested more money in transit operations. They can have a strong network again if they reallocate Measure B funds from highways to transit operations, including bus service.
Building Electrification Reach Codes
Establish aggressive building reach codes including wiring for electric vehicle charging so that new buildings in San Jose can run on carbon-free electricity.
Natural Gas Phase-Out
Prohibiting Natural Gas Infrastructure in New Buildings in San Jose.
Additional Projects
Working towards implementation of systematic climate literacy curricula in public school districts, accelerating the adoption of drought-tolerant native gardens, and potentially hosting a future forum of city council candidates to bring attention to their positions on climate action.
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