
Los Altos

Team Mentor

Dashiell Leeds

Student LeadeR

Addy Kopp


About Us

LAYCAT (Los Altos Youth Climate Action Team) is a Los Altos based youth led action team that focuses on environmental justice and lessening the effects of the climate crisis. We use grassroots organizing to push for policy change and build towards an eco-centered, equitable future.

The atmosphere in Los Altos is changing. We are seeing more and more youth stepping up to fight back against dismal climate policies and change. Our newest project, the Climate Action and Adaptation Plan means that we are starting to see more and more steps taken to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions.

LAYCAT also works alongside Los Altos Greentown on Anti-Idling projects with the local schools. We have seen a lot of success with our campaigns with Anti-Idling.

Joining LAYCAT means gaining leadership, public speaking, organization and people skills. To join, fill out the form under the ‘get involved’ tab. Feel free to take a look at our Instagram!


What we’ve accomplished:

1. Los Altos working on adopting an aggressive CAAP LAYCAT worked alongside the Environmental Commission to create the Climate Action and Adaptation Plan for Los Altos.

2. Anti Idling Members advocated at the city council and various school boards to create an anti-idling campaign.


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