Green Careers Bus Tours

Every year, SVYCA hosts a multi-day event where SVYCA members travel across Silicon Valley via an electric bus to the headquarters of industry leaders in sustainability. Members are exposed to the vast green jobs awaiting them now, as well as significant trends/major players in recent climate careers. 

Learn all about our green career bus tours here!


2024 Highlights:

On August 8th, 2024, Silicon Valley Youth Climate Action hosted their 3nd Annual Green Career Bus Tours. Here’s a couple moments of inspiration from high school student Prakruti Sunil.

  • “One of the most inspiring moments of the trip was learning how the city repurposed wood from redwood trees cut down during the hall's construction. This wood was transformed into tables, chairs, and even doors, preserving a tangible connection between nature and the building.”

  • “Our waste management systems still rely heavily on human labor. It was a sobering reminder of how our approach to managing solid waste could significantly impact our future.”

  • “Itron’s mission is to conserve resources, helping customers save energy and water while enhancing convenience.”

  • “Witnessing the unwavering commitment of professionals dedicated to preserving our planet for future generations was genuinely inspiring.”



2023 highlights:

On August 9th and 10th, 2023, Silicon Valley Youth Climate Action hosted their 2nd Annual Green Career Bus Tours. Here’s a couple moments of inspiration from high school student Jayden Wan.

  • “IDEO designs solutions – from social, political, economic, commercial, environmental, technological, or individual needs, IDEO’s work expands beyond most corporations’ fields of specialty.”

  • “Efforts toward the environment certainly have the ability to make meaningful change; it’s a matter of two categories: new solutions and ideas, and existing systems that need to change to adapt to a climate-conscious world.”

  • “Although SVYCA specializes in climate policy and advocacy, it’s often important to consider other forms of environmental stewardship, such as the development of the Presidio Tunnel Top, its staff, community, and ecological benefits.”

  • “Mainspring’s linear generator is best known for being able to generate electricity via the flameless compression and release of fuels – it’s the world’s first generator to directly run both 100% hydrogen and 100% ammonia fuels.”

  • “Sunnyvale’s LEED Platinum-ranking and net-zero emissions building reflects significant contributions to climate policy, incorporating biophilic design, automatic daylighting, and extensive photovoltaic arrays.”



2022 Highlights:

On August 11th and 18th, 2022, Silicon Valley Youth Climate Action hosted their 1st Annual Green Career Bus Tours. Here’s a couple moments of inspiration from SVYCA mentor Tara Sreekrishnan.

  • “Our visit to Delta Electronics and Google Bay View opened our eyes to the incredible sustainable career opportunities right in our own community. The day was filled with inspiration and insights into the green tech industry.”

  • “Exploring Levi’s Stadium’s solar-powered tower and drought-tolerant rooftop plants gave us a new appreciation for how large venues can operate sustainably, even with thousands of fans passing through.”

  • “Seeing Nuro’s automotive delivery vehicle in action and learning about its innovative, eco-friendly design was a highlight of our Green Careers Bus Tour. The experience truly broadened our understanding of sustainability in the tech world.”

  • “Touring Levi’s Stadium’s engineering headquarters and learning how they manage recycling during major events gave us a behind-the-scenes look at how sustainability is implemented on a massive scale.”