Team Mentors
Kristel Wickham
Peri Plantenberg
Student Leaders
Katherine Park
Sufee Kathane
Current Initiatives
Research about Moffett Park Specific Plan, attend workshops to gain insights, develop an advocacy position, prepare public comments.
The Instagram team has been publishing “Thursday for Climate Change”, which are short stories that educate teen followers on simple personal actions they can take.
2024 Impact
Councilmember Meeting:
Councilmembers Mehlinger & Chang
Climate Candidate Forum:
Mayoral candidates, District 4 & 6
Outreach & Education
Artificial turf (FUHSD & City)
Gameplan 2028
SV Hopper Implementation
Santa Clara County:
Artificial Turf
Current initiatives & Next steps
Green Businesses:
Identified businesses
Planning stages
Social Media:
Planning stages
Editing stages
Safe Routes to School:
Presentation by adult advocate
Tasman Drive
past accomplishments
Organized successful Nonpartisan City Council Candidate Forum in October 2020 with 7 city council candidates, approximately 600 views through Facebook Live and live participants.
The Sustainability Commission’s reach code recommendation to staff and the city council included the Sunnyvale team's recommendations, including the elimination of blanket exemptions and increased EV-readiness for both residential and nonresidential buildings.
Successful reach code advocacy: the finalized reach codes passed with an EV infrastructure requirement significantly stronger than when the reach codes were first drafted, using some of the team’s recommendations.
Active Transportation Plan (ATP) was approved including a number of Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Commission (BPAC) recommendations, which SYCAT advocated for.
Recognition from the City of Sunnyvale: Sunnyvale team co-lead, Peri Plantenberg received 2020 Sunnyvale High School Student of the Year. Sunnyvale team advisor Kristel Wickham received Environmental Achievement.
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