
Santa Clara County

Team Mentors

Kevin Ma

Dashiell Leeds

Hoi Poon

Student Leaders

Peri Plantenberg

Diya Kandhra

Darren Chiu

Susan Kirchoff

what we are working on:

  1. We met with each Supervisor (or their Board Aide(s)) in the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors.

  2. We requested that they establish a Climate Commission for 2022 Spring decisions (led by Supervisor Otto Lee) Others agreed to support Supervisor Lee Supervisor Ellenberg could work with the Office of Education in Santa Clara County to improve the climate curriculum for high schools so that students can have climate education that is actually targeted toward them.

  3. Success: As you may remember, the County of Santa Clara boasts over 75 Boards and Commissions, yet none are solely focused around furthering the County’s Sustainability efforts. That is about to change thanks to the voice of our student leaders! After months of advocacy and lobbying, the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors last week moved forward with Silicon Valley Youth Climate Action's three recommendations: Investment in resources toward the County Office of Sustainability, including staffing positions Establishment of a Santa Clara County Sustainability Commission Partnership with the Santa Clara County Office of Education to support comprehensive Environmental Literacy and Education across our county, including opportunities for students to get involved. Below is a link to the Oct. 5th board meeting where our recommendations were approved: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lyqknxYdlTc&t=2898s