SVYCA Kick-offs Their First Ever Board Retreat
Silicon Valley Youth Climate Action (SVYCA) has made leaps and bounds in member recruitment and outreach this summer—as well as obtaining our 501(c)3 status and establishing our Board of Directors! On Friday, July 15, our new board members, consisting of SVYCA college students and young professionals, met in person for our first-ever board retreat.
Our first mission as a board was to scale the Parker Ranch Trail and climb a monster of a staircase (well, not really, but it did make for a quick workout and a great bonding experience). After finishing the hike, our second mission was to conquer a more primal challenge – hunger. With good company around us and food in our stomachs, it was time to finally *cue the music* get down to business.
We discussed and solidified our central mission, short-term and long-term goals, our conflict resolution process, a potential restructuring of SVYCA, and upcoming projects. We also considered a variety of strategies on how we can implement and expand our mission and subsequent projects. More importantly, we reaffirmed our guiding star: combating climate change through strategic and impactful advocacy and education.
Give a warm welcome to SVYCA’s Board of Directors!
With a new non-profit status and an established board, what do these new developments mean for SVYCA in the future? Our purpose is the same as it was from our beginnings, but with new focus and intention. Thus, look forward to more impact, more successes, and a renewed commitment to bettering the world for our generation and the ones afterward.